
dimis thoughts

I'm just going to post random thoughts and ideas here.

How to consume a boeing 747

Every day as a kid i used to wake up thinking, what would a boeing 747 taste like. I have tasted many different things in my life, such as my dads lambroghini, his ferrari and his belt (he got a little mad at me for eating all his cars), but I always wondered what a boeing 747 would taste like. So I went on a journey to consume an entire boeing 747. My journey starts here. I started my journey by taking bets on types of things I could eat for money. Over my journey I ate 2 nissan pickup trucks, 1 SpaceX rocket, 64 gigabytes of ram, and rat poison (it supprisingly tastes like peanut butter. thanks for suggesting rat poison to me, mum!). Over all that consumption I managed to rack up 74k and I ate 7k of it. I then used the money to invest in a tesla (because I can't afford gas because I end up drinking it all) and drove to a chinese slave labor workshop to steal a pair of Jordan 4's so that I could run all the way to the factory that produces boeing 747s. I snuck around using my fresh pair of sneakers and found a boeing 747 that was finished, so I killed all the engineers inside the plane and stole their keys. I flew the plane all the way to easter island and explained to the local Rapa Nui about my journey to consume a boeing 747. They gave me a home in one of the statues, which was like an apartment because they carved underground into the body of the statue where I stayed. 1 week later- I have consumed half of the boeing 747 and whilst relaxing in my easter island apartment, drinking on a warm cup of some gasoline, little boy (the bomb used to bomb hiroshima, not the annoying 3 foot tall grinch you want to run over with a bus) was dropped ahead of me. I was lucky to be inside the body of the statue instead of above the ground consuming the boeing 747. I went back up and was immediatly poisoned by the radioactivity, causing my body to shift into a mutated version of my self, making myself 9'11, 2000 kilograms and was able to consume the rest of the boeing 747 in less than an hour. I made my way back home to my parents and told them about my journey. They called me a fucking idiot and told me to go eat lead bullets. So thats exactly what I did.

internet is getting censored, chinatown coming soon - 21/9/22

i notice every day that the internet is becoming more and more censored by governments and large corporations. take for example youtube. it has gotten to the point where youtubers are having to worry about swearing and have to blur everything on their screen to avoid risking a strike. And we all know youtube loves to take favorites. Youtuber CoryxKenshin posted a video titled "YouTube: Racism and Favoritism", I suggest you watch it. He goes over how he made a gameplay video of a horror game and he got a community guidelines strike, when HUNDREDS of other videos are posting the same gameplay footage except Cory blurred most of it out and all the others are posting everything freely. He said that he looked for HOURS to find a video with the same strike. Ironically, his video critizing youtube got striked immediately after he posted it.